OBVM Project Data Retrieval and Upload System
Help Uploading Data
Data uploading is enabled only when you are logged into the system. Once logged
in, you will see a link to the upload data page in the menu on the left. On the
upload data page, select the project and batch you are uploading data for, then
browse to the separate centerpoint and quadrat data files on your local PC, and
click the Upload button.
The format of the file should be comma-separated values (CSV). Text fields should
be enclosed in quote marks so that the system can distinguish commas that are part
of the text from commas that are used to separate values. Examples of the files
are available below.
These examples are only provided to give you a general understanding of the structure
of the files, and the actual data elements to be included vary from project to project.
Refer to the project data requirements for more detailed instructions on the data
elements to be included in the file. To find the project data requirements, select
the project from your project list (available from the Projects-->My Projects
menu choice when you are logged onto the system, or from the Active Projects list),
then follow the links to Required Attributes and Data Dictionary pages.