OBVM Project Data Retrieval and Upload System

Little Gator Creek sampling, Dec 2012 Data Dictionary

This report includes only those parameters collected for the communities and sampling levels to be sampled in the Little Gator Creek sampling, Dec 2012 project.

1 - Common Data Fields & Values (include in both Centerpoint and Quadrat data submittal files)

1.01 - ColDate
1.01.1 - Name: Date Collected
1.01.2 - Description: Date of data collection
1.01.3 - Data Type: Date
1.01.4 - Requirement: Required

1.02 - Comments
1.02.1 - Name: Comments
1.02.2 - Description: General comments the data recorder wishes to make. Comments are useful for data recorders to communicate to the auditors and to place general observations into the data record. Comments should be annotated as being information relevant to: general area(GA), centerpoint(CP) or quadrat (Q0, Q120, Q240).
1.02.3 - Data Type: Text
1.02.4 - Requirement: Optional

1.03 - StationID
1.03.1 - Name: Station ID
1.03.2 - Description: Sampling Station ID as assigned by FWC
1.03.3 - Data Type: Text
1.03.4 - Requirement: Required

2 - Centerpoint Data Fields & Values

2.01 - AltPtBear
2.01.1 - Name: Alternate point bearing
2.01.2 - Description: Accepted azimuth from original point to the Alternate Point.
The first azimuth used for alternates should be 30°, then 90° if 30° was unacceptable, then 150°, then 210°, then 270°, then 330°.
2.01.3 - Data Type: Number
2.01.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.02 - AltPtDist
2.02.1 - Name: Alternate point distance
2.02.2 - Description: Distance in meters that alternate point was moved from original.
2.02.3 - Data Type: Number
2.02.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.03 - AltReason
2.03.1 - Name: Alternate point reason
2.03.2 - Description: Accepted reason for moving an original sampling point to an alternate point.
Acceptable reasons include:
1) original sampling station (or part of it) is located in firebreak, road, food plot, or other inappropriate area;
2) sampling station is located in a different community than the assigned community (e.g., plot falls in a small included depression marsh in the mesic flatwoods polygon that is being sampled).
2.03.3 - Data Type: Text
2.03.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.04 - BasalPine
2.04.1 - Name: Pine species basal area - core
2.04.2 - Description: Total basal area (BA) of living pine species per acre estimated using Basal Area Factor 10 prism (Mitchell et al. 1995) at each sample station center point. BA per tree is the cross-sectional area of a tree at breast height. BA per acre is the sum of all BA per tree occurring within the acre. The method used for estimating BA per acre is angle counting, where inclusion of a tree in the count depends on BA of the tree and its proximity to the sample station center point. Specific subsets of pine may be required, for example, basal area of only longleaf pine (LLPineBasalArea). The prism is held at eye level over the sample station center point and needs to be kept stationary for the entire procedure. FNAI staff will view all trees through the prism and counts each time the offset image of a tree trunk overlaps the true image. The count needs to be done for 360° around the prism. The prism will be held over the sample station center point while FNAI staff pivot around it evaluating each tree (i.e., do not stand in one place while moving the prism around your body). The count is then multiplied by 10 to produce basal area per acre. This is the final number to be reported to FWC. In counting using a BAF prism, the first case of borderline trees (i.e. those trees whose displacement is not clearly overlapping or separated) is counted; thereafter every other borderline tree is counted.
2.04.3 - Data Type: Number
2.04.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.05 - CnpySpLst
2.05.1 - Name: Canopy species list
2.05.2 - Description: A comma delimited list of species codes representing all canopy species (pine and non-pine woody vegetation) greater than 4 inches DBH occurring within the 7 m radius circle plot of the sample station, or that contributes to the pine BA, even if beyond 7m. A species-specific code is made up of the first 3 letters of the genus followed immediately by the first 3 letters of the species (e.g. Quercus virginiana = Quevir). When field identification to species level is not possible, the plant should be recorded to genus level. The code for these genus level observations is made up of the first 6 letters of the genus followed immediately by the letter "g" (e.g. an unknown Quercus species = Quercug). For plant specimens that are unable to be identified to genus level a code consisting of the first 6 letters of the family followed by the letter "f" will be recorded (e.g. an unknown grass species will be recorded as Poaceaf = Poaceae family). For codes that contain less than 6 letters for either genus or family, a code will be used consisting of the entire genus or family followed by a "g" or "f", respectively (e.g. an unknown Carex species = Carexg). Multiple unknown species of the same genus or family are recorded with duplicated codes (e.g., two unknown Carex species are recorded as "Carexg, Carexg").
2.05.3 - Data Type: Text (Comma-Separated List)
2.05.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.06 - Community
2.06.1 - Name: Community Type
2.06.2 - Description: Natural community as defined by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory's Natural Community Guide (FNAI and FDNR 1990). These designations are provided by FWC.
2.06.3 - Data Type: Text
2.06.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.07 - Datum
2.07.1 - Name: Datum
2.07.2 - Description: Datum in which coordinates are collected
2.07.3 - Data Type: Text
2.07.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.08 - ExotSppLst
2.08.1 - Name: Exotic Species List - LAB
2.08.2 - Description: A comma delimited list of species codes representing all exotics species occurring in the 7m radius plot. All species non-native to Florida are included here. These include but are not limited to the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Category I and II lists (See http://www.fleppc.org/) Area manager to provide specific exotic species list (if applicable; including OK Slough, J.W. Corbett, Babcock/Webb). This list can include species only keyed to genus or family. A species-specific code is made up of the first 3 letters of the genus followed immediately by the first 3 letters of the species (e.g. Quercus virginiana = Quevir). When field identification to species level is not possible, the plant should be recorded to genus level. The code for these genus level observations is made up of the first 6 letters of the genus followed immediately by the letter "g" (e.g. an unknown Quercus species = Quercug). For plant specimens that are unable to be identified to genus level a code consisting of the first 6 letters of the family followed by the letter "f" will be recorded (e.g. an unknown grass species will be recorded as Poaceaf = Poaceae family). For codes that contain less than 6 letters for either genus or family, a code will be used consisting of the entire genus or family followed by a "g" or "f", respectively (e.g. an unknown Carex species = Carexg). Multiple unknown species of the same genus or family are recorded with duplicated codes (e.g., two unknown Carex species are recorded as "Carexg, Carexg").
2.08.3 - Data Type: Text (Comma-Separated List)
2.08.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.09 - GPSLat
2.09.1 - Name: GPS Latitude
2.09.2 - Description: Actual GPS Latitude in decimal degrees
2.09.3 - Data Type: Number
2.09.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.10 - GPSLong
2.10.1 - Name: GPS Longitude
2.10.2 - Description: Actual GPS Longitude in decimal degrees
2.10.3 - Data Type: Number
2.10.4 - Requirement: Optional

2.11 - GPSMethod
2.11.1 - Name: Coordinate Collection Method
2.11.2 - Description: Method by which coordinates are collected
2.11.3 - Data Type: Text
2.11.4 - Requirement: Required

2.12 - LLPineBA
2.12.1 - Name: Basal area of longleaf pine - LAB
2.12.2 - Description: Basal area (BA) per acre of living longleaf pine estimated at each sample station center point using a Basal Area Factor 10 prism (Mitchell et al. 1995).
2.12.3 - Data Type: Number
2.12.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.13 - MngUnit
2.13.1 - Name: Management Unit
2.13.2 - Description: Management unit number/name in which the sample station falls, regardless of whether sample level is community or management unit level data collection.
Provided to the contractor by FWC OBVM staff.
2.13.3 - Data Type: Text
2.13.4 - Requirement: Required

2.14 - NonPineDns
2.14.1 - Name: Non-pine stem density - core
2.14.2 - Description: Stem count of all living non-pine woody species 4 inches DBH or greater in the seven meter radius (154 m2) plot.
Contractors will record the actual count of woody stems 4 inch DBH within the 7 m radius plot.
2.14.3 - Data Type: Number
2.14.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.15 - Pt_type
2.15.1 - Name: Type of point
2.15.2 - Description: Designates type of point (Original, Alternate or Abandoned)
2.15.3 - Data Type: Text
2.15.4 - Requirement: Required

2.16 - RareSpList
2.16.1 - Name: Rare Species List -FNAI Reference Area
2.16.2 - Description: A comma delimited list of species codes representing all rate species occurring in the 7m radius (152 m2) plot. All species tracked by FNAI are included here. The code for these genus level observations is made up of the first 3 letters of the genus followed immediately by the 3 letters of the species.
2.16.3 - Data Type: Text (Comma-Separated List)
2.16.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.17 - SampLevel
2.17.1 - Name: Sampling Level
2.17.2 - Description: Sampling level for each sampling station (i.e., community or management unit).
Predetermined by FWC, not defined by contractor in the field.
2.17.3 - Data Type: Text
2.17.4 - Requirement: Required

2.18 - SndPinDens
2.18.1 - Name: Sand Pine Stem Density - LAB
2.18.2 - Description: Stem count of all living sand pine > 6 inches tall in the 7-meter radius (154 m2) plot. Contractors will record a count of the number of sand pine stems within the 7m radius (154 m2) plot using the standard stem count classes.
2.18.3 - Data Type: Number
2.18.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.19 - SubcnpyLst
2.19.1 - Name: Sub-canopy species list
2.19.2 - Description: A comma delimited list of species codes representing all sub-canopy species (pine and non-pine woody vegetation) occurring within the 7m radius circle plot of the sample station. A species-specific code is made up of the first 3 letters of the genus followed immediately by the first 3 letters of the species (e.g. Quercus virginiana = Quevir). When field identification to species level is not possible, the plant should be recorded to genus level. The code for these genus level observations is made up of the first 6 letters of the genus followed immediately by the letter "g"(e.g. an unknown Quercus species = Quercug). For plant specimens that are unable to be identified to genus level a code consisting of the first 6 letters of the family followed by the letter "f" will be recorded (e.g. an unknown grass species will be recorded as Poaceaf = Poaceae family). For codes that contain less than 6 letters for either genus or family, a code will be used consisting of the entire genus or family followed by a "g" or "f", respectively (e.g. an unknown Carex species = Carexg). Multiple unknown species of the same genus or family are recorded with duplicated codes (e.g., two unknown Carex species are recorded as "Carexg, Carexg").
2.19.3 - Data Type: Text (Comma-Separated List)
2.19.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

2.20 - Surveyor
2.20.1 - Name: Surveyor
2.20.2 - Description: Initials or names of the person recording the data
2.20.3 - Data Type: Text
2.20.4 - Requirement: Required

3 - Quadrat Data Fields & Values

3.01 - ExoticCov
3.01.1 - Name: Exotic species cover - LAB
3.01.2 - Description: Percent cover class of living exotic plant species in the 1 m2 quadrat..
All species non-native to Florida are included here. These include but are not limited to the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Category I and II lists (See http://www.fleppc.org/) Area manager to provide specific exotic species list (if applicable; including OK Slough, J.W. Corbett, Babcock/Webb).
3.01.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.01.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.02 - FNAIShrCov
3.02.1 - Name: FNAI Shrub Cover
3.02.2 - Description: Shrub cover of all shrub species (including Serenoa repens and Sabal palmetto) within the 4m2 quadrat regardless of height. To be counted in this category, the stem of the plant must be less than 2" dbh.
3.02.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.02.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.03 - HerbCov
3.03.1 - Name: Herbaceous species cover - core
3.03.2 - Description: Total herbaceous percent cover class within the 1m2 quadrat. Includes living and attached dead plant material.
3.03.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.03.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.04 - HrbSppLst
3.04.1 - Name: Herbaceous species list
3.04.2 - Description: A comma delimited list of species codes representing all herbaceous species occurring in the 1m2 quadrat.
Herbaceous species include non-woody, soft-tissued plant species regardless of height, including non-woody vines (e.g., Galactia elliottii, Smilax pumila), legumes (e.g., Crotalaria rotundifolia), forbs (e.g., Pityopsis graminifolia) and graminoids (grasses, sedges, rushes; e.g., Aristida stricta, Rhynchospora tracyi). This includes attached dead plant material.
This list can include species only keyed to genus or family. A species-specific code is made up of the first 3 letters of the genus followed immediately by the first 3 letters of the species (e.g. Quercus virginiana = Quevir). When field identification to species level is not possible, the plant should be recorded to genus level. The code for these genus level observations is made up of the first 6 letters of the genus followed immediately by the letter "g" (e.g. an unknown Quercus species = Quercug). For plant specimens that are unable to be identified to genus level a code consisting of the first 6 letters of the family followed by the letter ?f? will be recorded (e.g. an unknown grass species will be recorded as Poaceaf = Poaceae family). For codes that contain less than 6 letters for either genus or family, a code will be used consisting of the entire genus or family followed by a ?g? or ?f?, respectively (e.g. an unknown Carex species = Carexg). Multiple unknown species of the same genus or family are recorded with duplicated codes (e.g., two unknown Carex species are recorded as "Carexg, Carexg").
3.04.3 - Data Type: Text (Comma-Separated List)
3.04.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.05 - MaxSerHt1
3.05.1 - Name: Maximum Serenoa height 1
3.05.2 - Description: Maximum height of tallest living Serenoa repens in the first of the four 1m2 quadrats.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems or petioles of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the left (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat nearest the center.
For quadrats that contain no Serenoa repens a value of “0” will be entered.
3.05.3 - Data Type: Number
3.05.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.06 - MaxSerHt2
3.06.1 - Name: Maximum Serenoa height 2
3.06.2 - Description: Maximum height of tallest living Serenoa repens in the second of the four 1m2 quadrats.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems or petioles of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the left (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat furthest from the center.
For quadrats that contain no Serenoa repens a value of “0” will be entered.
3.06.3 - Data Type: Number
3.06.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.07 - MaxSerHt3
3.07.1 - Name: Maximum Serenoa height 3
3.07.2 - Description: Maximum height of tallest living Serenoa repens in the third of the four 1m2 quadrats.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems or petioles of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the right (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat furthest from the center.
For quadrats that contain no Serenoa repens a value of “0” will be entered.
3.07.3 - Data Type: Number
3.07.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.08 - MaxSerHt4
3.08.1 - Name: Maximum Serenoa height 4
3.08.2 - Description: Maximum height of tallest living Serenoa repens in the fourth of the four 1m2 quadrats.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems or petioles of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the right (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat nearest the center.
For quadrats that contain no Serenoa repens a value of “0” will be entered.
3.08.3 - Data Type: Number
3.08.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.09 - MaxShrbDBH
3.09.1 - Name: Max Shrub DBH - core
3.09.2 - Description: Maximum DBH of shrub stems (ShrubStems), recorded as a range. For DBH values that fall on the boundary between two classes, choose the higher of the two classes (e.g.: if DBH is 0.5, choose the 0.5-1.0 class). Seemingly redundant classes listed in 3.22.6 are temporarily included for 2007 sampling only, to accommodate variations in previously published lists of the class values. Preferred values are:
0.25 - 0.5"
0.5 - 1"
1.0 - 1.5"
1.5 - 2.0"
3.09.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.09.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.10 - MaxShrbHt1
3.10.1 - Name: Maximum shrub height 1
3.10.2 - Description: Maximum height of the tallest living non-pine, non-Serenoa woody species in the first quadrant of the 4 m2 quad that is attached to any stem < 2 inches DBH.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Does not include vines.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems of this component do not need to be originating within the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the left (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat nearest the center.
For quadrats that contain no woody species a value of “0” will be entered.
3.10.3 - Data Type: Number
3.10.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.11 - MaxShrbHt2
3.11.1 - Name: Maximum shrub height 2
3.11.2 - Description: Maximum height of the tallest living non-pine, non-Serenoa woody species in the second quadrant of the 4 m2 quad that is attached to any stem < 2 inches DBH.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Does not include vines.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems of this component do not need to be originating within the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the left (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat furthest from the center.
For quadrats that contain no woody species a value of “0” will be entered.
3.11.3 - Data Type: Number
3.11.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.12 - MaxShrbHt3
3.12.1 - Name: Maximum shrub height 3
3.12.2 - Description: Maximum height of the tallest living non-pine, non-Serenoa woody species in the third quadrant of the 4 m2 quad that is attached to any stem < 2 inches DBH.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Does not include vines.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems of this component do not need to be originating within the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the right (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat furthest from the center.
For quadrats that contain no woody species a value of “0” will be entered.
3.12.3 - Data Type: Number
3.12.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.13 - MaxShrbHt4
3.13.1 - Name: Maximum shrub height 4
3.13.2 - Description: Maximum height of the tallest living non-pine, non-Serenoa woody species in the fourth quadrant of the 4 m2 quad that is attached to any stem < 2 inches DBH.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Does not include vines.
This value will be measured in centimeters; above 3 m estimate to nearest 10 cm.
Measurement is made to the highest living part of the plant that is within the spatial extent of the 1 m2 quadrat from the ground upward.
The stems of this component do not need to be originating within the 4m2 quadrat.
Measured in the right (as viewed from center point) 1 m2 quadrat nearest the center.
For quadrats that contain no woody species a value of “0” will be entered.
3.13.3 - Data Type: Number
3.13.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.14 - NumUnkHerb
3.14.1 - Name: Number of unknown herbaceous plant species
3.14.2 - Description: A count of the number of unknown herbaceous plant species (i.e., not individuals) within the herbaceous 1m2 quadrat. This count only includes herbaceous plants that cannot be keyed to at least family (i.e. herbaceous species that have not been entered into the herbaceous species list).
3.14.3 - Data Type: Number
3.14.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.15 - NumUnkWdy
3.15.1 - Name: Number of unknown woody plant species
3.15.2 - Description: A count of the number of unknown woody plant species (i.e., not individuals) within the 4m2 quadrat. This count only includes woody plants that cannot be keyed to at least family (i.e. woody species that have not been entered into the woody species list).
3.15.3 - Data Type: Number
3.15.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.16 - Quad
3.16.1 - Name: Quadrat
3.16.2 - Description: Quadrat from which data are collected in bearing degrees.
3.16.3 - Data Type: Number
3.16.4 - Requirement: Required

3.17 - SerenoaCov
3.17.1 - Name: Serenoa repens cover - core
3.17.2 - Description: Percent cover class below 1 meter of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) within the 4 m2 quadrat.
Includes living and attached dead fronds and petioles.
Does not include trunks.
3.17.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.17.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.18 - SerPetDens
3.18.1 - Name: Serenoa repens petioles - core
3.18.2 - Description: Count class of Serenoa repens petioles with fronds within the spatial extent of the 4 m2 quadrat from 1 m height upward.
Includes living petioles and dead petioles with fronds; does not include dead petioles without fronds.
The petioles of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
3.18.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.18.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.19 - ShrubCov
3.19.1 - Name: Shrub cover - core
3.19.2 - Description: Percent cover class of living shrub species below 1 meter height within the 4 m2 quadrat.
Includes all woody species except pine and Serenoa repens.
The stems of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
For quadrats that contain no shrub cover, a value of "0" will be entered.
3.19.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.19.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.20 - ShrubStems
3.20.1 - Name: Shrub Stem Count - core
3.20.2 - Description: Stem count class for all living primary non-pine, non-Serenoa woody stems less than 2" DBH within the spatial extent of the 4 m2 quadrat from 1m height upward.
The stems of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat.
A primary stem is one that is identifiable as a single stem at the soil surface and may or may not be branched.
Does not include vines.
3.20.3 - Data Type: Text (Constrained to Accepted Values List)
3.20.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.21 - SubCan
3.21.1 - Name: Sub-canopy stem count - core
3.21.2 - Description: Count of all living primary non-pine woody species that are 2 - 4" diameter at breast height within the space above the 4 m2 quad. Stems that divide below breast height and coppiced shoots should be counted individually. The stems of this component do not need to be originating from the 4m2 quadrat. A primary stem is one that is identifiable as a single stem at the soil surface and may or may not be branched.
3.21.3 - Data Type: Number
3.21.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)

3.22 - WdySpLst
3.22.1 - Name: Woody species list
3.22.2 - Description: Comma delimited list of species codes representing all woody species occuring in the quadrat.
Use 6-letter species code.
Include all woody plant species, including woody vines and palms, regardless of height and excluding pines.
Includes attached dead plant material. A species-specific code is made up of the first 3 letters of the genus followed immediately by the first 3 letters of the species (e.g. Quercus virginiana = Quevir). When field identification to species level is not possible, the plant should be recorded to genus level. The code for these genus level observations is made up of the first 6 letters of the genus followed immediately by the letter "g" (e.g. an unknown Quercus species = Quercug). For plant specimens that are unable to be identified to genus level a code consisting of the first 6 letters of the family followed by the letter ?f? will be recorded (e.g. an unknown grass species will be recorded as Poaceaf = Poaceae family). For codes that contain less than 6 letters for either genus or family, a code will be used consisting of the entire genus or family followed by a ?g? or ?f?, respectively (e.g. an unknown Carex species = Carexg). Multiple unknown species of the same genus or family are recorded with duplicated codes (e.g., two unknown Carex species are recorded as "Carexg, Carexg").
3.22.3 - Data Type: Text (Comma-Separated List)
3.22.4 - Requirement: Required (may not apply to some communities or sample levels--refer to Required Attributes table for details)